



Food History

/The History of the Jack-O'-Lantern and some Perfect Pumpkin Recipes for the Spooky Season

The History of the Jack-O'-Lantern and some Perfect Pumpkin Recipes for the Spooky Season

The History of the Jack-O'-Lantern and some Perfect Pumpkin Recipes for the Spooky Season


Food History


Delve into the intriguing backstory of the 'Jack-O'-lantern', before diving into perfect pumpkin recipes to utilise any leftover pumpkins.

The History of the Jack-O'-Lantern and Perfect Pumpkin Recipes for the Spooky Season

It's spooky season again, and with it comes the deliciously versatile ingredient of pumpkin! We're all accustomed to carving out quirky or ghastly faces into pumpkins to create 'Jack-o'-lanterns', but have you ever pondered the origins of this autumnal tradition? Let's delve into the intriguing backstory of the 'Jack-O'-lantern', and afterwards explore some perfect pumpkin recipes.

A Hollowed History

The tradition hails from an Irish myth about 'Stingy Jack', a cunning individual who tricked the devil multiple times and was barred from both heaven and hell when he died. Falling into a perpetuity of wandering the earth as a ghost, Jack made a lantern from a turnip, and it was filled with burning coal by the devil himself. Irish immigrants introduced this tradition to America, where pumpkin, a native crop, was found to be perfect for lantern making - and thus, the 'Jack-O'-lantern' we know today was born.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

After your carving session, don't discard the pumpkin guts - it could serve as the main ingredient for your next tasty snack! This crunchy spiced nut recipe is perfect as a simple treat or atop seasonal salads and soups. Simply save the pumpkin guts you scoop out to carve your Jack-O'-lantern and follow this easy recipe: Roasted Spicy Pumpkin Seeds.

Roasted Pumpkin Soup 

After your spooky festivities have concluded, don't discard the un-carved pumpkins; use them in your next ghoulishly delightful dish! This Spicy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe pumpkin soup is perfect to warm up colder autumn nights. Simply follow this Lazy Pumpkin Soup Recipe and you've got yourself a devilishly easy but divine and comforting soup!

Sweet Pumpkin Muffins 

Pumpkin is not just reserved for the dinner table; it can steal the show as a dessert or sweet treat. Make use of your leftover pumpkins with this Sweet Pumpkin Muffin Recipe the perfect autumnal treat to follow a hearty soup.

So, the next time you carve that pumpkin into a Jack-O'-lantern, remember Stingy Jack and his eternal wandering. And if you're inspired for more pumpkin treats, stay tuned for Halloween special recipes coming up soon.

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